P.O. BOX 1845 :: ATHENS, GA 30604 :: (706) 340-4321

Charlie Maddox for Mayor 2010

The Platform


My approach to economic development begins with understanding several simple ideas. 1) Not all businesses are suited for our county. 2) There are people who specialize in economic development that are more adept at recruiting industry than non-professionals and 3) Economic development is a long term investment that should be made in a long term vision. I will work to help adequately fund and staff the Economic Development Department of Athens-Clarke County. Develop a policy to establish relationships with the State Department of Industry and Trade. I will personally work with other local, state and national agencies to the best that the role of Mayor allows to secure employers for Athens-Clarke County. I will help implement policies to enable Athens-Clarke County to become an active supporter of the state workforce system and the local and State Employer Committees. I will help establish policies that will allow the Chamber of Commerce and other economic development entities to actively solicit employer for our area.

My Economic development plan is simple. I will ask the right people to create a strategy to bring this city the types of jobs we want. I will then do my utmost to see that the right people have the tools and support to bring this strategy to fruition.


I do not take lightly that the budget is tax money our citizens could have otherwise used to buy food, pay their rent or save for their future financial security. Therefore, I intend to make full use of the Office of the Auditor of Athens-Clarke County to determine and develop budget priorities. I plan to establish these budget priorities based on needs of the entire community and I will work to implement the most cost effective budget possible. Additionally, I plan to implement ongoing reviews of policies and procedures that directly impact the cost of government services and I will use data to set priorities and make recommendations. If we are going to ask our citizens for the amount of their money that we ask for, our government must implement policies that will provide fiscal responsibility requirements for each department, action and initiative of local government.


My approach to land use is much like my approach to economic development. Not every development is appropriate for our city nor is any one particular development appropriate in every area throughout Athens. We have a responsibility to the safety and quality of life of our current and future citizens ,and we take that responsibility seriously. I will work to establish a land use commission that will bring together all aspects of land users to develop an acceptable plan that will serve the best interest of Athens-Clarke County now and for the foreseeable future. I will encourage the development of a long range, comprehensive, inclusive plan that includes the way we use, manage and protect and develop our land resources without the need for continual revision, exceptions and added unneeded appearance on life and business in Athens.


I seek to be the Mayor of Athens, not the manager. I believe we should clearly reestablish and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor and Commission as a policy making body with oversight requirements. We must also reestablish the role of the manager as the administrator with the responsibility and authority to direct the day-to-day operations of the city, reporting the implementation of policies and procedures to the Mayor and Commission. I believe that politics of elected officials has a role in governing however, the administration of this City’s core activities cannot ebb and flow with the fad politics of the week. As elected officials, we need to set the policy and intention and then let the people who do the job of carrying out those policies do their jobs. We will struggle to carry out any strategy if elected officials micro-manage some tasks while ignoring others.


The future of this town is our children. If we provide the resources and opportunities to keep them safe, let them learn and let them grow, they will flourish. As Mayor I will seek adequate funding for programs that support the efforts of our youth to grow and become responsible citizens. I will vigorously partner with the CCSD to implement new ways to get the most out of the investments we have in our young people. I disagree with those that say the Mayor cannot have an impact on education. Our city can have a dramatic impact on the opportunities our children have outside of the classroom. I intend to pursue opportunities to help our children anywhere I can find them.


Develop policies that will assist our seniors in Our seniors have sadly become a forgotten group in Athens. Every year, many are finding it harder just to live in Athens. We must develop policies that will assist our seniors in receiving consideration in how their personal property is taxed. As mayor, I will help develop policies that will assist our seniors in removing barriers to other services that are provided by Athens-Clarke County. Athens owes a great debt to our senior citizens. I intend to respect their contribution by helping make Athens a better place for them to live.