


We offer many different business services to help your business take off. From a start-up to an existing established business, we have the experience and solutions you need.

name reservation

name reservation and company setup

So you’ve got something to offer.  A talent.  A product.  A service.  How do you leverage it?  Let us help you.  We can turn your knack into a finished solution in the marketplace.  Need help writing your business plan?  Check.  Want to be equipped with a slick marketing package?  Check.  Need a strategic investment and growth plan?  Check.  Haven’t registered your business name online or otherwise?  Check.  Need some certifications?  Check.  Relax, we’ve done this before.

tax id number

acquistion of tax id number (ein)

First thing’s first.  You need to establish an identifier for your business so that you can (among other things) perform your civic duty.   The EIN will not only give you a vehicle for doing that but also it will lay the first block in building a credible business.  Your ability to file taxes, get a business line of credit or even receive payments from some clients will hinge upon this very number. 


business plan creation

You saw that silly infomercial and thought, “Why didn’t I think of that?”  In reality, it wasn’t the thought that got that infomercial’s silly clothes hanger to the marketplace.  It was execution.  It was the inventor’s ability to sell the idea – and not only sell it to the marketplace, that comes later.  That inventor had to sell it to an investor.  A bank.  A product buyer.  Those plays have to be made before the marketplace even sees it.  Your business plan is your roadmap – it says that you know where you’re going and what it takes to get there.  You need it, your investors need it.  Let us write it.


developing a budget

Slow down there, big spender!  We know, you don’t really want anyone directing your cash flow.  But sometimes you need an accountability partner.  How are you paying yourself and your employees?  What’s your operating budget?  How’s your credit?  Where are your investments?  Do you have a fund for company improvements or equipment upgrades?  No?  Then why are you spending so much cash!  It can seem overwhelming but planning around a budget is key to your success.  We can take your vision and then show you how to fund it successfully.  Let go, we’ve got you.

corporate identity

corporate identity packages

Ok.  So you’ve got an idea.  And you think that idea will be “the next big thing.”  How will they know you’re out there?  Consistency, that’s how.  Consistency in your branding, your pursuit, your networking, your identity.  We’ll start with an informational call to hear you tell us who you are in your own words.  From there, we’ll translate your words into a visual statement that will become the cornerstone of your business – your logo.  Next up will come our recommendations for your website, blog, flyers, business cards…elements that make a statement about who you are when you’re not there to give that captivating elevator speech.  Oh yea, we’ll help you write that too!


brand development

Who are you?  No really…who are you?  The fewer people that have to ask this, the bigger your profits.  Yes, yes we know you’re only in business because you love what you do.  But we believe that what you do is so great, people should pay you to do it.  After we help you define (or learn about, if you’ve beat us to the punch) your Corporate Identity, it’s time to take that show on the road.  Whether that road is virtual or grassroots, we will help your brand speak for you.  When someone thinks of a need that you could fulfill, we want your company name to be the first on their mind…or on their search engine results.  Let us help you leave a mark – a permanently imprinted brand in their mind.  With some diligence, you can become their “go-to guy.”